Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Measurement: Floor (Part Thirteen)

Since I started working, I have believed that this career is not the career I will be in in the future. I am not saying that I do not like programming at all. Programming brings me a love-hate relationship: I love it during those times wherein I surmount a seemingly impossible obstacle, and I hate it during the times wherein I realize there is a seemingly impossible obstacle. It has been a constant cycle of loving and hating, and I have learned to like and accept it as an integral part of who I am today. For the past eight months, I have not totally regretted a day that has passed, however I can just imagine myself enjoying more in another career.

During my sophomore year in college, a senior shared his thoughts with the question if my course will make me happy. His stand was simple: if you find yourself constantly pushing your limits to do better each time, then yes, that is the course for you. However, if most of the time you find yourself bordering the lines of mediocrity and failure, then it's time to reconsider. There are plenty times wherein I answered the call to step up and persevere, but there are also the times wherein I told myself that I was tired, and let someone else carry the flag for all of us. Honestly, I am happy and content with what I am doing, but there are those times wherein I feel empty inside. A part of me wants to do something else, but another part of me is settled to being who I am now -- and that is what troubles me the most.

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